
Cavallino Classic and Amelia Island Concours Postponed Due to Pandemic

Just as we were beginning to lock down arrangements for the 2021 Amelia Island Concours weekend scheduled for early March, we started hearing rumblings that the event was going to be rescheduled. An official statement from event organizers will be made on January 12th, but several sources close to us have indicated that the new dates will be May 20th through 23rd.

The Amelia Island event takes place in northern Florida in March every year, and managed to be the last major event to take place in 2020, just as the pandemic forced states and most businesses to begin closing down. While it was hoped the recent rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines and Florida’s rather loose policy toward gatherings would mean the original 2021 dates would remain in force, we suspect challenges from event sponsors and participants may have led organizers to rethink the timing.

For many of the same reason, presumably, the annual gathering of Ferrari tifosi in Palm Beach, Florida, better known as Cavallino Classic, has also been forced to reschedule. Originally set for January 21st through 24th, the new dates are now April 22nd through 24th.

While there is an end in sight to the disruption brought on by the pandemic, we’ll continue to watch the calendar for other schedule changes, particularly in the first half of the year.

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